The comparison between general purpose application software and function-specific application software
General purpose application
programs are programs that perform common information processing jobs for end users.
It also looking.For examples, word processing, spreadsheet, database
management, and graphics programs are popular with microcomputer users for
home, education, business, and many other purposes. Because they significantly
increase the productivity of end users, they are sometimes known as Productivity packages.
The general purpose application software by looking at Software Suite That’s because the most
widely used productivity packages come bundled together as software suite as
Microsoft Office, Lotus SmartSuite, Corel WordPerfect Office, and Sun’s
StarOffice. Examining their components gives us an overview of the important
software tools that you can use to increase your productivity. Other examples
include Web browses, electronic mail, groupware, which help support
communication and collaboration among workgroup and teams. One additional
common way of classifying software is based on how the software was developed .
Custom software is the term used to identify software applications that are developed within an organization for use by that organization. In other words, the organization that writes the programs code is also the organization that uses the final software application. In contrast, COTS software (an acronym which stands for commercial off- the- self) is software that is developed with the intention of selling the software in multiples copies.
Application specific programs accomplish information processing task that support specific business function or processes, scientific or engineering applications in society. For example, business application software supports the reengineering and automation of business processes with strategic e- business applications like customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning, and supply chain management.
Other example are software packages that web-enable electronic commerce application, or in the functional areas of business like human resource management, accounting and finance. Moreover, still other software empowers managers and business professionals with decision support tools like data mining, enterprise infromation portals, or knowledge management system.
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